Their Silence is Golden

August 13, 2007

 The point of this brief update on my beef with the so-called “Campaign to Defend America” is that there is nothing to report. When I called them on August 9th  I left a message on their voicemail that was polite yet firm, stating my name, my phone number and the fact that I wanted to be removed from their phone list. I briefly explained that I was unhappy with their calls and felt it was unethical and irresponsible to continue these phone campaigns, and asked for someone to please return my call. I have yet to receive a return call, and I am not surprised. As a matter of fact I am happy they have not and most likely will not return my call, because it proves my point that they are cowards hiding behind recorded messages, and mis-interpreted statistics.

 This tom-foolery is now commonplace in our society on all sides. All over the “main-stream” media you will see stories about recent polls that suggest “most Americans” want our troops out of Iraq. Well, duh! Of course we do- who in their right mind doesn’t? But just because that’s what we want does that necessarily mean it’s what we think we should do? And if so, does that mean we should actually do it? Come on, my kids and I want to eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner- does that mean we should do it? Forget about the consequences and just do it because that is what we want? It’s such a plain, silly argument.

 As for the numbers this group quotes, I learned from my father at a very young age that anybody can use numbers to make a strong case for anything. He taught me not to be so gullable as to trust someone is not manipulating numbers to further their cause. This goes especially for my favorite farce – when polls are taken by liberal leaning “mainstream” news organizations, who are polling people who’s opinions are formed based on the liberal leaning news that the same organizations are feeding them. It’s what I like to call a “circle of redudency”. Paying too much attention to polls is an easy trap to fall into, but I feel “most Americans” know that. The notion that what “most Americans” believe could possibly affect what I believe is laughable to me. I say this to painlessly dispell the arguments of the bogus “Campaign to Defend America”, but I’m sure someone can point out how the “Pro-War, Pro-National Security side” is guilty of the same shananigans. That’s all well and good, but noone is calling my house leaving pre-recorded “Pro-War” messages are they?

 So with all my liberal bashing lately, I figured it was only fair to throw them a bone, so to my liberal friends, please enjoy this: George W. toilet paper

Quick note and an update…

August 9, 2007

First of all, a quick shout out to Kelly Heyboer for linking to my blog about the Police concert. I guess I wasn’t the only one to see it, or blog about it for that matter. Anyhow- stop over there and check out some of the more in depth reviews she has linked to, as well as the great concert video footage she has posted.

As for the Update: the phone number I put up in my earlier post announcing my Campaign to Defend America From the Bogus Campaign to Defend America actually refers you to another number, which is: (202)454-6200. All jokes aside, I do urge everyone who agrees with me that this group’s tactics are sneaky and unethical to call and register your complaint and ask to be taken off the list. They need to know they can no longer inject their unwanted opinions and ideas into our homes through automated recordings over the phone. I mean, geesh- at least send me a letter so I can have the satisfaction of ripping it up, throwing it in the trash and adding to the pollution of the earth….

Join the Fight – They’re Invading Our Homes

August 9, 2007

They are at it again. I just received another recorded message from the group “Campaign to Defend America”. Once again they called from a blocked number and left their propaganda message on my phone. I am really outraged. These people are going to have to answer for this.

 I dug a little deeper this time and came across this information which confirms what some have already told me: The group is linked to (surprise, surprise), and their website is listed as, which seems to be nothing more than a conglomeration of several different whacko groups. One theory I have is that these groups are all the same people, but they use these different names to create the illusion that there is much more going on here than there actually is- they want the press and the American people to perceive this “huge movement” of disgruntled anti-war protestors when in actuality the numbers are not that large. Backed by people with a large amount of money and influence, their plans have been very effective as evidenced by Democrat “leaders” jumping through hoops to appease them. But that’s just my theory…which in part, this article quasi-supports.

 I urge you all to join me in my Campaign against the bogus Campaign to Defend America which I am calling the Campaign to Defend America from the Bogus Campaign To Defend America. Call these cowardly a$$holes and tell them to stop their machine from calling your house, and to keep their unwanted, uninvited “progressive American” ideas out of our homes. And please don’t get confused about my message here: These people have every right to feel how they do, and fight for what they believe in- that is not what I am attacking them for ( although I despise their ideas and think they are generally dim-wits and are harmful to America ). My beef is with their tactics – the anonymous hit and run that seems to resemble the actions of the insurgents in Iraq… 

So start calling: (202)263-4528

Be civil, do not be rude! Take the high road here people. We have to, ’cause they sure don’t. And if you’d rather email than call:

Keep me informed of your progress. And if you get put on hold, buy one of these great bumperstickers while you wait!

Thanks to the Police for a job well done

August 7, 2007

I went to Giants Stadium the other night to see The Police. (Wow, I actually supplied a link to an article from the New York Times without saying what a sucky, ultra-liberal,  downright traiterous rag that publication is. Well, it was one of the first on the list when I googled to find a review of the NY/NJ Police concerts and I was feeling lazy- but as usual I digress…)

 The concert was absolutely wonderful. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to see these three awesome musicians play together as the band they once were. A fan of their music in the early eighties, I was only a child back then and had never even been to a concert when they broke up. But this post wasn’t meant to be a concert review in the usual sense, or an opportunity to wax nostalgic about long lost days of my youth. This post is to say “Thanks” to the Police for doing their job and doing it well.

 I bought tickets to see and hear the band perform their songs live, and that is what they did.  I had no interest in hearing their political views (whatever they may be), or to hear about Iraq, or global warming, or the rainforest, or the baby seals or any other such issue that often gets thrown at you during live events these days. None of that went on. The band played and played well, and the stage show was much more than satisfactory. It was a feast for the eyes and ears, and between songs the chit-chat was minimal, which is just the way it should be. For this I say “Thank you very much StingAndy Summers, and Stewart Copeland for a job well done!”

 In all seriousness, far too often people in the public eye take themselves too seriously, and use their fame to spread a message about something. I guess there is nothing wrong with that as long as they are up-front about it from the start. Take the recent mess Sean Penn has made for himself for example. Although I think he and his buddy Danny Glover (un-linkworthy IMO) are absolute morons and their political views are ridiculously misguided, if they want to be puppets and make asses of themselves I say “go for it, fellas.” You see, they have always been upfront and rather vocal about their idiotic political views, so anyone who wastes their time and hard-earned money to see their movies knows what they are getting into, and what kind of people they are supporting. It helps that they are mediocre actors at best, so I personally don’t feel at all like I am missing anything.

No, No my gripe is about when the “stars” are sneaky about it. This especially happens at concerts. When I pay to see a concert, I don’t want to hear about politics or causes- period. Way too many times I have laid down my cash to get inside and have my good time ruined once the band (usually the lead singer) decides to start ranting about this or that,  “feed the children” or “save the whales”- whatever. That is not the time or the place, and I seriously get perturbed when I am forced to be an audience for someone’s message. This to me is the same premise as I ragged about when the “Campaign to Defend America” sent their unwelcome message into my home. It’s one thing if you are at a festival, benefit, or fundraiser where the activism is put out there from the get-go, like Al Gore’s recent “we-have-to- save-the-world-concerts” (which the Police played FYI). Again, that’s fine in my book. I just don’t want rhetoric cast upon me from someone no more qualified to comment than I am after I paid only to hear them play music. The last time this happened to me was at a Van Halen concert in 2004:

During the 2004 reunion tour, the band revived the Van Halen “Right Now” video with a few extra modern scenes, to project on a large screen behind them while the song was performed. Ironically, one of the additions was an image of George W. Bush with the caption “right now nothing is more expensive than regret”

This pissed me off so badly that even now, 3 years later I am very tempted to skip the Van Halen/David Lee Roth Reunion Tour. BUT, I have to consider the fact that Eddie Van Halen’s judgement has been clouded by alcohol for a long time, as evidenced by the band’s constant drama as well as his stints in rehab. So, I may just give him another chance. ( This has nothing to do with the fact that I have been a hard-core Van Halen fan for over 20 years, and although I have seen the band live about 15 times I never had the opportunity to see them with David Lee Roth at the mike…)

And purely for your entertainment -straight from the “you gotta see this” department, check out this trailer: SPIDER PIG

New American Heroes

July 31, 2007

  He is the Mayor of the town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. His name is Lou Barletta, and if you haven’t heard about him you should click this link and take a minute to read about what he is up to.  Of course, with any great hero story there are villians – the people who stand in his way.

  Federal District Judge James Munley recently ruled that Hazleton’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act Ordinance is unconstitutional. The Ordinance established English as the official language, penalizied businesses for hiring illegal aliens and fined landlords who rent rooms to them. I found this short video clip of Mr. Barletta that sums up the current situation.

  I am utterly baffled by what is happening in our country. Why are illegal immigrants’ rights more important than American Citizens? Finally someone is fighting back, and  fighting back hard. What Lou Barletta is doing is most certainly a step in the right direction. As I’ve said before, illegal immigrants are CRIMINALS, and those who give them jobs and housing among other things are AIDING AND ABETTING and should face criminal charges. I think Hazleton’s Ordinance  should be adopted by every town across the Nation, but first re-drafted with even stiffer penalties.

  Another New American Hero is Morristown NJ’s Mayor Donald Cresitello. This man is also trying to DO something about the PROBLEM, and is acting on the behalf of the law abiding legal citizens in his town. He has propsed to have local police officers deputized to enforce federal immigration laws under the Department of Homeland Security’s 287(g) program.  There was a rally over the weekend which brought out plenty of people from both sides (those who support the rule of law and those who do not). I am pleased to have read several articles that expose the ridiculous arguments of those who oppose Mr. Cresitello’s plan. In this article the opposition protested an illegal immigration rally where the Mayor spoke:

“Across the street, more than 150 people gathered in support of immigrants’ rights. Shouting and chanting so loudly that at times they drowned out the voices of the speakers at town hall, protestors waved signs with slogans like “Immigrants are not criminals,” “Working people have no borders,” and “Mayor KKK.”

How typical for these Anti-American Anarchists to blur the actual facts and issues by playing the “race card”. I did a bit of Google digging and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found this website: Immigrant Solidarity Network  While these New American Heroes are merely tring to solve a problem on behalf of law-abiding tax paying legal citizens, this group  is calling them racists and comparing the situation to Hitler in Nazi Germany through a quote from Martin Luther King Jr, at the top of their website. It is utterly disgusting to me how these people twist the facts to accomidate their visions of right and wrong. You simply cannot pick and choose which laws you want to obey and which ones you don’t. The law is the law. Illegal is Illegal. Immigration laws exist for a reason, the same as any other law in this country. It isn’t even worth arguing the point that it has nothing to do with race. It has to do with law, economics, and quality of life.

 So once again I point you back to Lou Barletta’s Website and urge you to make a donation to help with this struggle (that shouldn’t be a struglle at all because it is common sense).

Here, take a listen to this song on Jib Jab 

A$$holes in Idiot’s clothing

July 19, 2007

 I got a recorded phone call from the “Campaign to Defend America”.. I am tempted to transcribe the whole message, however I would hate to further their idiotic cause by possibly spreading their message to some melon-head that may be reading my blog and not have a mind of his (or her) own. The message railed against my Congressman – Scott Garrett for voting “once again to stand with Dick Cheney and President Bush and continue the Iraq war”. It went on to give all sorts of statistics about how Americans want the troops out of Iraq, and blah blah blah, then went on to give out the phone number to Scott Garrett’s office, and urged me to call him and basically tell him he sucks. Needless to say, I did not do that. As a matter of fact, I did the opposite. I called and said I was glad that Scott Garrett wasn’t a nit-wit, and that he understood what was going on in the world and didn’t want to just bury America’s head in the sand and cross our fingers that we don’t get killed by terrorists someday. OK, so I didn’t say exactly that, but you get the picture. I then decided I wanted to call the “Campaign to Defend America” and try to talk some sense into these misguided souls, and guess what I found? They called from a blocked number. So, I Googled them only to find they basically don’t exist! Well, how’s that for text-book liberal whacko behavior! So, you  invade my home, insult my intelligence by spewing your unpatriotic propaganda , and then give me no recourse to confront you? God forbid my 12 year old daughter answered the phone, ’cause then I’d REALLY be pissed. No wonder they want to cut and run in Iraq. They don’t even have the balls to support their ideas to the people they are harassing over the phone!

To be fair you may say “Uranass, your blog is anonymous, so what’s the difference?”

The difference is two-fold. First- my blog is published on a web-page and can be read or passed over as you wish. I am not calling people’s homes and leaving recorded messages on their phones for their children or anyone else to hear. And secondly, my blog allows for comments, and I welcome anyone and everyone to agree with me or tell me I suck. I am not afraid to have to defend my ideas, as a matter of fact I welcome the opportunity. Debate is healthy. Hit and run is cowardly.

Part of the reason I feel so strongly about this is that I have a son in the US NAVY, and I am DAMN proud of him. I am lucky that he is not in a hostile area right now, but if and when he has to be then I know he will be doing it of his own free-will and he’ll be serving  and protecting his country and it’s citizens. He is part of the REAL Campaign to Defend America.

Trying to stay calm and focussed here, but my blood is boiling. No one wants war. Of course Americans want us out of Iraq- myself included. BUT – not until the job is done. Not until there is enough stablilty. When will the time be right? When it is. And not a moment before.

Sorry, No funny link today. Not in the mood.