CNN: Candycoated News Network

August 10, 2007

I’ll keep this one brief and get straight to the point. 

Dear CNN,

  A person in this country illegally is an illegal alien, or an illegal immigrant, not an “undocumented immigrant“. Technically your words are correct, but your choice of  using the term “undocumented” rather than “illegal” has not gone unnoticed, and quite frankly it is offensive to me due to the softer tone it creates. One may start to think you are acting sympathetic towards these criminals (Perish the thought!). Please stop playing games with verbage, and try telling it like it is- especially when reporting on illegals charged with rape and/or murder. Thanks.

Cheers to Fox News for telling it like it is on this one, as they usually do.

NOTE: I won’t rush to judgement about his guilt, but be sure if he is found guilty of any involvement in the assault and murder of those poor kids or the other crimes, I will have PLENTY to say about it.

New American Heroes

July 31, 2007

  He is the Mayor of the town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. His name is Lou Barletta, and if you haven’t heard about him you should click this link and take a minute to read about what he is up to.  Of course, with any great hero story there are villians – the people who stand in his way.

  Federal District Judge James Munley recently ruled that Hazleton’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act Ordinance is unconstitutional. The Ordinance established English as the official language, penalizied businesses for hiring illegal aliens and fined landlords who rent rooms to them. I found this short video clip of Mr. Barletta that sums up the current situation.

  I am utterly baffled by what is happening in our country. Why are illegal immigrants’ rights more important than American Citizens? Finally someone is fighting back, and  fighting back hard. What Lou Barletta is doing is most certainly a step in the right direction. As I’ve said before, illegal immigrants are CRIMINALS, and those who give them jobs and housing among other things are AIDING AND ABETTING and should face criminal charges. I think Hazleton’s Ordinance  should be adopted by every town across the Nation, but first re-drafted with even stiffer penalties.

  Another New American Hero is Morristown NJ’s Mayor Donald Cresitello. This man is also trying to DO something about the PROBLEM, and is acting on the behalf of the law abiding legal citizens in his town. He has propsed to have local police officers deputized to enforce federal immigration laws under the Department of Homeland Security’s 287(g) program.  There was a rally over the weekend which brought out plenty of people from both sides (those who support the rule of law and those who do not). I am pleased to have read several articles that expose the ridiculous arguments of those who oppose Mr. Cresitello’s plan. In this article the opposition protested an illegal immigration rally where the Mayor spoke:

“Across the street, more than 150 people gathered in support of immigrants’ rights. Shouting and chanting so loudly that at times they drowned out the voices of the speakers at town hall, protestors waved signs with slogans like “Immigrants are not criminals,” “Working people have no borders,” and “Mayor KKK.”

How typical for these Anti-American Anarchists to blur the actual facts and issues by playing the “race card”. I did a bit of Google digging and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found this website: Immigrant Solidarity Network  While these New American Heroes are merely tring to solve a problem on behalf of law-abiding tax paying legal citizens, this group  is calling them racists and comparing the situation to Hitler in Nazi Germany through a quote from Martin Luther King Jr, at the top of their website. It is utterly disgusting to me how these people twist the facts to accomidate their visions of right and wrong. You simply cannot pick and choose which laws you want to obey and which ones you don’t. The law is the law. Illegal is Illegal. Immigration laws exist for a reason, the same as any other law in this country. It isn’t even worth arguing the point that it has nothing to do with race. It has to do with law, economics, and quality of life.

 So once again I point you back to Lou Barletta’s Website and urge you to make a donation to help with this struggle (that shouldn’t be a struglle at all because it is common sense).

Here, take a listen to this song on Jib Jab