If only…

July 14, 2007

If only my job allowed me to repeatedly do unproductive, meaningless nonsense and avoid doing anything of substance that would actually be of any use to anyone. If only I could claim I was trying to do what my employers wanted me to do, but just waste time basically doing nothing at all, while at the same time creating an illusion that I was working hard, and get paid big bucks with plenty of vacation time and perks. If only I was a United States Congressman.

If only they would leave poor old Sharpe James alone in New Jersey. Everybody knew the guy was a flake, but now they wanna hold him accountable for his actions? Why, that’s plain un-American.

If only we could harness the energy-rich potential of all the HOT AIR in this country. You know, from the whackos who want George Bush impeached, from the whackos who want to protect terrorist’s rights, from the whackos who make wreckless allegations or create their own versions reality in regards to Iraq, from those who make ridiculous movies advocating “free” government run health care and then throw hissy fits on TV, and of course the whackos who claim global warming is caused by humans. I could go on, and on, and on, and on… maybe all this hot air is behind global warming.

If only someone out there would pick a fight with me, you know, to keep me focused… So much insanity to rant about- that’s why I’m so all over the place. I need to choose one thing to tear apart at a time. I’m like a kid in a candy store here- I wanna take a bite outta everything.

And for today’s random silliness I present to you: The Toilet Snorkle